I really don't expect any comments on my blog because you are going to think I have lost my marbles! Well it goes like this, I went to my computer and did my afternoon ritual of sitting behind my blog and went to visit ABT blog, its handy Anna being A because she is on top of the list and then I remembered. I then got up and walked away and then sat down again, husband is laughing because I couldn't help sneaking a peak... walked away again, I can live without my blog, I keep telling myself, I need to get a life!!! Well it's like alcohol you just can't go cold turkey. My plan after so many calls, lovely comments, emails and gorgeous customers encouraging me to continue and I will but at a slower pace and a little more lily-g focused. I may not get to make so many comments but at least I can share my inspiration, dreams and loves.
I am so happy that you will post whenever... it will make each blog entry that much more special. Since I have google reader it will notify me when you have something extra special to say that you just can't keep to yourself. So when ever, where ever, it will be great hearing from you. xo, MB
Oh I am such a 'blog tragic' - your news has made my day! I really look forward to your posts and I am so glad that you will continue to blog whenever you have the inclination.
I yay! That's ok if you only blog now and then. I am the same...I have been blogging for a couple of years but I drop off occassionally too. It doesn't worry me too much as I have my fav readers and they stick around no matter what!
hey judy,
great to have you back... I totally know what it is like to get lost out there blogging.I think I quite look forward to more lily-g related posts on your blog.Your style and elegance can't change :)
Judy - you have inspired me to rant a little at French Essence about blogging. Take a look when and if you feel like it. GREAT to know you are here, xv.
Now my husband is laughing too Judy - I'm just jumping up & down at the computer saying 'Yay, she's back!!!' It will just a delight to hear from you every now & then, so just go with the flow. The biggest of hugs from me to you!
Millie ^_^
P.S. Now over to see what Vicki A.'s got to say, that will be interesting!
Oh so glad to hear that you are coming back! You have so many loyal readers, so when ever you feel like posting, we'll be there reading.
Catherine xx
Sounds fabulous Judy welcome back....
Yeah! I'm so glad to hear that. Your blog is so inspirational, even if the inspirations come from time to time, they are so welcoming, here, at my computer. Thank you Judy!
I just discovered the "blogging world" a couple of months ago and love it! I have also seen a few of them take a "Break" which is fine! Life is about changing and growing!
Just remember you're a volunteer not a voluntold!
Life is too short to stress out over the unknown!!
Love your blog!! and you're right it is an addiction!
Oh it is wonderful to see you back. I think we all have a bit of a 'blogland addiction'
It's just who we are!!
You did it...you're back! That's fantastic news!
Yeah! The shortest hiatus ever! So glad you came back!!!
Welcome back!!!
Amanda xx
Welcome Back Judy...
Oh, I am so glad!
I just discovered you blog and am so glad you decided to carry on. You have so many beautiful photos and I cant wait to go back and catch up on all your posts. However much you can do will be treasured.
I'm so glad you are back. Your news and Absolutely Beautiful Things was too much. I was afraid it was the beginning of all my favorite blogs closing. Welcome back.
I know, it is so hard to stay away from this word but I am glad you haven't totally gone cold turkey:)
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