Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Fashion Blog

Sadly my fashion blog has taken a back seat but with our gorgeous summer clothes arriving at lily-g there is just so much to show so tonight I'm fashion blogging, to visit my site go to http://www.lily-g.com.au/ and go to blogs. Oh and I'm seriously dieting too that's the hard part about selling fashion when all these gorgeous clothes arrive and I eagerly try them on only to not be able to do up the zip....so depressing any-way I spent the week-end with a Monk (Yes, believe it)I have been very stressed lately, put simply I take on way to much, my interior business is a full time job, but my retail business in both fashion,furniture and home wares is just as much work, and I wont mention the paper work or my six kids. So my meditation course was a way for me to learn to relax and keep a healthy mind and focus, I can't tell you how much I learnt and I was surprised by there modern way of thinking. I am naturally a very positive person and rarely jealous as I thrive on peoples success, to be honest it's what drives me, but the course helped me to understand the actions of other people, when some one is bragging about them selves we should simply understand its just there lack of confidence and need for reassurance.It also taught me how to let go of things that bothered me but really wasn't worth storing for so long, on my first meditation my mind was racing and I wanted to scream, the second one I nearly fell asleep with boredom then I wanted to burst out laughing because some-one pasted wind (boy was she relaxed) and finally I started to get it and it started to work...of course that's till I got home and saw dirty dishes in the sink and mess.


The House That A-M Built said...

So glad you have taken time out for yourself. Dragged hubby in on the weekend to drool over your shop..left you a note.. hope you got it. A-M xx

cathypentonatelier said...

Back at work today so if you want to send my new order through please do...Thanks Cathy

Lisa & Alfie said...

Good for you! Too much on the plate can be a problem in many ways! lol Did you really say 6 kids?
I am in awe.
Lisa & Alfie

Brown Button Trading said...

Good on you for finding the time to do the course - that would have been difficult in itself, but so very very important to find time to do such things. Oh no, a fashion blog? - not another to add to my list! - can't wait to check it out! x

Nicole Cantero said...

You are amazing, I love your shop and always put it on my list to see when in Brisbane. I can't believe you have 6 kids as well as everything else. I will think of you from now on when I am feeling overwelmed.

Villa Anna said...

You are a true inspiration. I feel overwhelmed with two kids I can't imagine 6!

I hope you have a cleaning service, please don't tell me you do all the household chores aswell. Thats the first thing I'll do away with when I go back to full time work lol.

Anna :)

p.s What's up with your email girl? they keep bouncing back.