Thanks to Collette
Dinnigan revealing some hot spots to visit in France one stood out the most "Chateau Robert" to visit the website go to
www.chateaurobertfrance.com the chateau is gorgeous and available to rent. I'm off this week-end to Melbourne to finalise my
Xmas buying for lily-g its hard to believe that in 3 months our
Xmas will be in store not that I'm complaining its
definitely my favourite time of year. Have a great week-end and see you all next week x
My what a beautiful place!
Thanks for sharing.
That time of year is sneaking up on us isn't it?
Love your hampton lamps below!! Just made a post about the lamps I am chosing for our kitchen. Ended the post by writing "But I might change my mind ....". Maybe sooner then I thought .... Beutiful lamps those Hamptons .... Hum ...
I share that love affair right by your side. That chateau is yet another I'll add to my "to see" list. Just beautiful!
Have a great weekend new friend.
Anna :)
Judy, I keep trying to send you reply emails and they get sent back, I don't know why. Do you have another email address I could use?
Anna :)
Oh so glamorous! ...such beautiful images.... now tell me about your Hamptons Lamps (your email doesn't work - keeps bouncing back to me)... you know how obsessed I am with lights. They're GORGEOUS! A-M xx
So beautiful!! Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog!
Such a lovely blog you have !...The photos you post are inspiringly beautiful!....I will be back again!....Heidi XO
Oh these photos are absolutely gorgeous! Wish I was there! Love your blog! Daisy~
Love your blog! I'm adding it to my blog roll as we speak! :) Have a wonderful day, and can't wait to catch up next week!!!
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